You can see this below on the left and right respectively. George on the other hand attached light bulbs to the joints of an assistant and created his first photograph called the pathological walk from the front. Etienne attached a white ball to the end of a black stick and while using the reflected light off the ball wrote out his last name on a black background. The original light painters were two guys by the names of Etienne-Jules Morey and George Demeny. The word photography comes from the Greek φωτός (phōto’s) which means light and γραφή (graphé) which means a ”representation by means of lines” or “drawing” and together mean “drawing with light.” When I learned that little tidbit of information I thought it was so cool that photography is basically light painting in itself!

Now that we know a little bit about light painting and what it is how did it start? First let’s define photography. This can range all over the board and we will be getting into a little bit later, but just remember that light painting is more than just a long exposure photograph. What makes a long exposure photograph light painting? In my opinion it’s the addition of light sources that are generally not naturally occurring. If you change your settings to allow for more seconds for your camera to take a picture it has become a long exposure photograph now. With a long exposure it’s a little different. Presto! You have a picture that took a fraction of a second. When you take a picture on your phone you simply open your camera app, set up your shot, and click a button. Like this picture here.Ī long exposure photograph is slightly different from an average photo that you might take with your phone. You might be familiar with images that show car lights or airplane lights going through a photo and you see this long trail. If you’re reading this then you might have some semblance of what light painting is, but if you don’t in the simplest of terms it’s a long exposure photograph.